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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Monday; May 2nd, 2011

"Knee Kisses"
5 Rounds for time:
30 Double Unders (sub: 120 single unders)
10 Walking Lunges (35/25)

Lifestyle challenge:
 Okay you know this was coming, the part where I mention FOOD. I want you to think of the word "diet" as the food you eat through out the day, your meal plan. I don't want you to think of restriction, boring, and something we don't want to do.
Do you know what you are eating through out the day?
I don't necessarily mean calories, carbs, protein, fat....I mean what you are eating, how much, and when?
This weeks challenge is to write it down. What you are eating about how much, and when.
If you never have energy or enough to get through your workouts, it;s your diet (you are not eating enough or not right foods). You think of eating for performance and health. If you have come to a stand still in your weight loss, it's your diet. If you can't get rid of your problem areas, it's your diet.... I think you get my point.
The foundation of your health, fitness, and way you look is NUTRITION.  If you don't measure it , you can't manage it. So let's get this down. This time i want journals by next monday. I will help you take it to the next level if you are willing to make some changes. Rock It Out!
*May Schedule same as April*

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